Enrollment Dashboard   Power BI Icon
Enrollment by student level, gender, ethnicity, college, department, full/part-time and more.

Program Enrollment Dashboard  Power BI Icon
Explore detailed program enrollment data by major or CIP.

PDF Enrollment Reports PDF Icon
Access commonly requested enrollment reports.

UNC System Office Enrollment Dashboard    System Office Icon  Tableau Icon
Explore enrollment trends at UNCG and across the UNC system.

Enrollment Headcount (Daily) Dashboard       Power BI Icon
Daily headcount to enrollment goals, by student factors such as unit and type.

Student Credit Hours Dashboard   Power BI Icon
Explore credit hours by course level, funding status, and more.

Grade Distribution Dashboard     Power BI Icon  
Explore grade distribution by course college/school, department, and more.

Mid-Term Grades Dashboard      Power BI Icon
Display mid-term grades entered into Banner for Fall and Spring terms, aggregated by units, courses, instructors, and students.

Final Grades Dashboard      Power BI Icon
Display final grades entered into Banner, aggregated by units, courses, instructors, and students.

Undergraduate DWF Dashboard     Power BI Icon
Analyze courses with grades of D, F, and W by course college/school, department, faculty, and more.

Enrollment Credit Hours (Daily) Dashboard      Power BI Icon
Daily credit hours by course factors such as unit and level, as well as other student factors.

Retention, Graduation, and Persistence Dashboard   Power BI Icon
Explore retention and graduation data by first-time in college and transfer populations.

College Cohort Migration
Visualizing first-time in college cohort migration by first major across time.

Visualizing first-time in college cohort migration by first major across time.

UNC System Office Graduation/Persistence Dashboard  System Office Icon  Tableau Icon
Compare graduation and persistence rates across the UNC System.

UNC System Office Freshmen Admissions and Performance Dashboard  System Office Icon  Tableau Icon

Detailed admissions and performance information about high school graduates pursuing degrees at UNCG and other UNC universities.

Degrees/Completions Dashboard  Power BI Icon
Explore completions (degrees/certificates) by degree level, degree and more. This dashboard allows aggregation at the student, degree/certificate, or major level.

Attempted & Earned Credit Hours Dashboard      Power BI Icon
Review attempted and earned credit hours for undergraduate degree recipients who began at UNCG as first-time in college students or new transfers.

UNC System Office Degrees Dashboard  System Office Icon  Tableau Icon
Degrees awarded at UNC System schools by level of degree, field of study, and demographics.

: Student Data

Educator Preparation Program Dashboard     Power BI Icon
Examine trends in testing outcomes for EPP completers.

Military-Affiliated Student Dashboard      Power BI Icon
Explore multiple metrics specific to military-affiliated students.

Transfer Students: Enrollment and Completions Dashboard     Power BI Icon
Explore multiple metrics specific to transfer students.

UNC System Office New Transfer Students Dashboard  System Office Icon  Tableau Icon
Examine trends in transfer student enrollment, first-year performance, and graduation rates.

UNC System Office Financial Aid Dashboard  System Office Icon  Tableau Icon

Explore financial aid trends across the UNC System. This dashboard displays the number of students who receive financial aid, the average amounts of aid they receive, and the total financial aid dollars awarded. 

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