Spring 2024 Instructional Analysis Reports by Department
Each fall and spring semester academic department heads are asked to review and confirm course and instructor assignments for enrolled courses in their departments.
College of Arts & Sciences
African Amer/African Diaspora (AAD) | Excel |
Dean’s Office – AS (AAS) | Excel |
Arts and Science Advising Ctr (ASA) | Excel |
Anthropology (ATY) | Excel |
Biology (BIO) | Excel |
Chemistry & Biochemistry (CHE) | Excel |
Classical Studies (CLA) | Excel |
Computer Science (CMP) | Excel |
Communication Studies (CST) | Excel |
English (ENG) | Excel |
Geography Environment Sustain (GES) | Excel |
History (HIS) | Excel |
Informatics and Analytics (IAN) | Excel |
Interior Architecture (IAR) | Excel |
Special Programs (IDP) | Excel |
Languages, Lit and Cultures (LLC) | Excel |
Liberal/Prof Studies (LPS) | Excel |
Media Studies (MST) | Excel |
Mathematics and Statistics (MTH) | Excel |
Philosophy (PHI) | Excel |
Physics and Astronomy (PHY) | Excel |
Political Science (PSC) | Excel |
Psychology (PSY) | Excel |
Religious Studies (REL) | Excel |
Sociology (SOC) | Excel |
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality (WGS) | Excel |
School of Business & Economics
Accounting and Finance (ACF) | Excel |
Dean’s Office – BE (BAE) | Excel |
Consumer Apparel-Retail Stds (CRS) | Excel |
Economics (ECO) | Excel |
Info Sys and Supply Chn Mngmt (IMS) | Excel |
Management (MNT) | Excel |
MRK/ENT/HTM (MRK) | Excel |
School of Education
Counseling and Edu Development (CED) | Excel |
Ed Ldrship and Cultural Found (ELC) | Excel |
Teacher Educ and Higher Educ (HED) | Excel |
Info/Library/Research/Science (LRS) | Excel |
Specialized Education Services (SES) | Excel |
Dean’s Office – School of Educ (SOE) | Excel |
School of Nursing
Joint School of Nanoscience & Nanoengineering
Health and Human Sciences
Comm Sciences and Disorders (CSD) | Excel |
Community and Therapeutic Rec (CTR) | Excel |
Genetic Counseling (GEN) | Excel |
Human Devlp and Family Studies (HDF) | Excel |
Dean’s Office – HH (HHS) | Excel |
Kinesiology (KIN) | Excel |
Nutrition (NTR) | Excel |
Peace and Conflict Studies (PCS) | Excel |
Public Health Education (PHE) | Excel |
Social Work (SWK) | Excel |
Comp Trans and Post-Sec Edu (CTP) | Excel |
Informatics and Analytics (IAN) | Excel |
International Program Center (IPG) | Excel |
Undergraduate Studies (UST) | Excel |
College Visual/Performing Arts