Faculty Dashboard  Tableau Dashboard Icon
Explore faculty by rank, tenure, appointment period, and other demographics.

All Employee Dashboard  Tableau Dashboard Icon
Explore EHRA Faculty, EHRA Non-Faculty, and SHRA employees by occupational title, and other demographics.

CUPA Peer Salary Report     PDF Icon
Compare employee salary data with our UNC System Office approved salary range group

Teaching Productivity Metrics Dashboard     Power BI Dashboard Icon
Review the Teaching Productivity Metrics of Faculty Class Count (FCC), Faculty Credit Hours (FCH), Faculty Student Credit Hours (FSCH), and Faculty State Appropriations (FSA) by instructor and unit.

Instructional Analysis Reports     Excel Icon
Each fall and spring semester academic department heads are asked to review and confirm course and instructor assignments for enrolled courses in their departments. The resulting information is also used to respond to the Delaware Study.

Faculty Workload Reports     Excel Icon
Explore instructor level workload reporting focused on teaching workload. This report provides academic year information on courses taught, headcount, and student credit hours.

Diversity Dashboard Faculty   Power BI Dashboard Icon
Faculty provides disaggregated equity and diversity indicators for Faculty members.

Diversity Dashboard Staff   Power BI Dashboard Icon
Staff provides disaggregated equity and diversity indicators for Staff members.